By reading this book, you can easily answer all the questions arising in network marketing due to which you get nervous or are unable to get your prospect to start the business. This book will save all your prospects from getting spoiled whose questions you are unable to answer correctly. In this book you will get to read the scripts of answers to the top 50 questions arising in network marketing. Like: - 1. I will think and tell. 2.I don't know many people (I don't have contacts.) 3.I don't like MLM/CHAIN system. (Is there work in making CHAIN?) 4. I am satisfied in my job, job is my passion? 5. If Network Marketing is such a good work then why doesn't everyone do it? 6.I cannot convince people. 7.My uncle and neighbor friend also did it but it did not work, they left it. 8.I can't talk to people and can't make members. 9. I cannot sell (or) I have to sell products, I cannot do this. 10.Products are expensive.....
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