The world has undergone substantial changes in recent times, which represent a breath of fresh air in an atmosphere rarefied by imminent dangers that humanity can no longer ignore; when the social aspiration of all human conscience is the universal construction of an iron social structure aimed at protecting human rights, ensuring peace and the habitability of the planet for the survival of the next generations. A Better World: A Dream Within Our Reach is a book that humanizes, that achieves personal excellence, that elevates humanity and restores to human beings the hope of living in a better world increasingly worthy of the human species and its high destinies. It is a luminous project full of optimism, which in difficult times should be discussed with an eye to the future. It is a book full of light, full of hope, until we are moved by life, by that life about which the human being wrote so much: dreams, illusions and hopes, in the way in which the sciences and the humanities can interact with each other at the ideal height of the spirit to make a better world for all.