Despite the fact that the fight against gender-based violence is of interest to many countries in the world today and where many public and private institutions, local, national and international organizations, as well as many associations and religious centers, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in general, in the province of South Kivu, and in the city of Bukavu, in particular, the number of women victims of gender-based violence is increasing daily.It is in this context that our work on the critical and suggestive view of approaches to fight against gender-based violence in the city of Bukavu and more particularly in the Panzi district is inscribed in order to understand the explanatory factors associated with the resurgence of gender-based violence in the city of Bukavu and the contribution of approaches to fight against gender-based violence.With regard to the methodological procedures used in this research, we borrowed a mixed-methods approach and a survey method with data collection tools based on the experiences and opinions of the target persons.