A dictionary of Urdu Proverbs is a collection of proverbs of Urdu Language of Pakistan. This book deals with the structure of Urdu Language, language and society, and Urdu proverbs used in Pakistan. The Students, researchers, linguists, teachers of the Urdu language and literature and linguists working in Pakistani Universities of South Asian languages specially the national language of Pakistan i.e. Urdu will find this book useful.Mr. Rehmat Aziz Chitrali is working on the languages of Pakistan. In pursuit of his passion for linguistics the man behind the first ever Khowar language Keyboard software has invented another multi languages text editor which can be used to type in as many as forty languages of Pakistan, India, Kashmir and Afghanistan at a single platform. His other books related to Pakistani languages include Khowar Vocabulary, Chitrali Dictionary, Khowar Grammar, RAChitrali's Khowar Keyboard, Guldaan e Rehmat, Guldasta e Rehmat, Gulzokh, Gulshan e Khowar, Khowar Qaida and Muhammad (PBUH) an award winning book from Govt of Pakistan.