"A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen is a groundbreaking play that explores themes of gender roles, marriage, and societal expectations. Set in 19th-century Norway, the play follows the story of Nora Helmer, a seemingly happy wife and mother who gradually comes to realize the suffocating constraints of her role in society. As Nora confronts the truth about her marriage and her own identity, she makes a daring decision that challenges the conventions of her time and sparks a fierce debate about women's rights and autonomy. With its powerful portrayal of a woman's struggle for independence and self-discovery, "A Doll's House" remains a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with audiences around the world. Ibsen's provocative exploration of human nature and societal norms has cemented his place as one of the greatest playwrights in history, and "A Doll's House" stands as a testament to his enduring legacy.
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