In A Donkey at the Races, Joey the Donkey embarks on his greatest adventure yet-the annual donkey cross-country race! The race takes him through valleys, mountains, and challenging terrains, where Joey faces obstacles and surprises at every turn. With his friends supporting him, Joey discovers that perseverance, teamwork, and self-belief are the keys to success. Ideal for children ages 3 to 10, this delightful tale features engaging rhyming text and dynamic illustrations that capture the thrilling journey. The playful verses make it a fun and interactive read-aloud experience, while the vibrant artwork brings to life the beauty of Joey's cross-country adventure. A Donkey at the Races is an uplifting story of determination, friendship, and resilience. Joey's race through diverse landscapes shows young readers that no matter the challenges ahead, with heart and hard work, they can achieve anything!
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