This book emerged out of the feelings that IUPAC classification should be made as available as conceivable to instructors and understudies alike, and that there is a nonattendance of relatively total records of the IUPAC 'shading' books suited to class and undergrad groups of onlookers. This isn't to censure in any capacity the endeavors of associations for example, the Association for Science Education (ASE) in the UK, however what we wished to create was a variant of IUPAC decides that would be generally total and permit the apprentice to investigate and find out about terminology to such an extent or as meager as wanted. We feel delight in exhibiting the hand book of natural classification for +2 Sc., +3Sc, +3Sc. (Hon.), B. Pharm., M. Pharm., M. Sc. understudies and it can be too suggested for understudies showing up placement test like JEE, CBSE, IIT. Natural nomenclature is the fundamental of natural science and is extremely need of understudies while going into the subject of natural science. We the individuals from University Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Utkal University, are exceedingly obliged to the writers of the books and diaries, which are counseled.