Preface, Chapter I Proposed Treatment and its Connection with the
Definition of Beauty Chapter II The Creation of a Poetic World and its
First Encounter with Reflection Chapter III The Fundamental Outlines of
Greek Theory Concerning the Beautiful Chapter IV Signs of Progress in Greek
Theory Concerning the Beautiful Chapter V Alexandrian and Greco-Roman
Culture to the Reigh of Constantine the Great Chapter VI Some Traces of the
Continuity of the Aesthetic Consciousness throughout the Middle Ages
Chapter VII A Comparison of Dante and Shakespeare in Respect of some Formal
Characteristics Chapter VIII The Problem of Modern Aesthetic Philosophy
Chapter IX The Data of Modern Aesthetic Philosophy Chapter X Kanet- The
Problem brought to a Focus Chapter XI The First Steps of a Concrete
Synthesis- Schiller and Goethe Chapter XII Objective Idealism-Schelling and
Hegel Chapter XIII 'Exact' Aesthetic in Germany Chapter XIV The
Methodological Completion of Objective Idealism Chapter XV Beginning so a
Theoretical Reunion of Content and Expression