The book is a result of the accumulated experience & knowledge over the years in the area of teaching of the classical Sanskrit language. The book will help all the teachers & teacher-educators engaged in the teaching of Sanskrit. It is an in depth analytic study. India is loved and respected in the world as the land possessing a long honored intellectual, moral and spiritual heritage preserved in Sanskrit literature. Sanskrit is the parent language from which many Indian languages are derived. Sanskrit was a great unifying force.It is yet a vital language in India exhibiting the greatest cultural manifestation of the people of India. Contribution of Sanskrit to various areas of knowledge such as Astronomy,Mathematics, Medicine,Ethics,Philosophy,Psychology,Rhetoric, Prosody,Grammar,Mimamsa,Logic as well as Secular Sciences is priceless and magnificent. No nation can afford to neglect its original cultural language in which its heritage is preserved intact. Sanskrit must be popularized and given its due place in the modern curriculum. Sanskrit Selections is analyzed under heads like linguistics,literary,historical & cultural study aspects with proper Content Analysis Methodology.