There is a situation in Turkey where there are not enough of high-skilled labours that high-technology industries need in Turkey whereas graduates of Technical Education Faculties (TEFs) complain about the unemployment situation at the same time. This revealed that there is a situation which puts a barrier into education and training in the TEFs. This study was, hence, carried out to develop a model for personalised learning on the Internet as a solution for issues in Departments of Electrical Education in Technical Education Faculties in Turkey. The findings showed that the majority of respondents believe that personalised learning on the Internet may help to solve issues in electrical education and also detected that teachers who have normal knowledge in the level of ICTs are not able to generate interactive content except e-book because they know only how to use a word processor. This reveals that issues in software to generate interactive materials will be very crucial in thefuture. This study may be an intersting source for the audience in Information Communications and Technology field or anyone who considers ICT for Higher Education in Technology.