Designing a model for pipeline flow monitoring using Wide Area Network (WAN) as well as low power sensor nodes has been the general goal of design engineers, scientists and end users. Such network desires to have a WAN wireless sensor network (WSN) transceivers that will run on little power thereby saving cost and the inconveniences of having to replace batteries in some difficult to access areas of usage. By studying the energy consumption map of the transceiver of a WSN node output model, this research developed an energy consumption model of the transceiver unit of a typical sensor node output model using MATLAB SIMULINK. Important metrics like DoC, SoC, Load current, Load Voltage, were derived and plotted. The mathematical characterizations for the pipeline designs, flow equations and pipeline detection parameters (event location) were captured in the simulation using a standard reference guide and related design assumptions. Proteus 7.6 ISIS was used to implement the unifiedbehavioural model of the WAN WSN based pipeline monitoring. Simulations done on the model shows that the model can work.