The development of autonomy in the individual is
partly understood as a consequence of family
interaction. These patterns of interaction can be
complex and considered the under the hood operating
system of a family system. This book examines
important variables promoted by and relied on by
families to function and related to individual
development: autonomy, family intrusiveness,
perceived social support, and dependency. Object
relations theory provided a conceptual framework for
examining the individual-family link. A multi-method
design used with projective and objective methods to
further our understanding of the individual in the
partly understood as a consequence of family
interaction. These patterns of interaction can be
complex and considered the under the hood operating
system of a family system. This book examines
important variables promoted by and relied on by
families to function and related to individual
development: autonomy, family intrusiveness,
perceived social support, and dependency. Object
relations theory provided a conceptual framework for
examining the individual-family link. A multi-method
design used with projective and objective methods to
further our understanding of the individual in the