Embark on a comedic journey with Baby Grumbles, an awkward, adolescent possum, who, through a series of mishaps, leads him to a very untimely demise, fast-tracking him to the spirit world of his ancient ancestors. There, he encounters King Mussopo, the wise and mighty possum Patriarch, who spares his life from eternal sleep. But there is a catch... He must return to Earth as the first Possum Goodwill Ambassador, with a special assignment to undertake. Just what it is he's supposed to do remains unclear to him, as the knowledge he received lies hidden in his memory, only to be revealed when the time is right. As these mysterious turn of events unfold, and Baby Grumbles is safely returned to his physical body, he becomes smitten with his 10-year-old rescuer, Holly, and her eccentric grandmother, Grams, who help him recuperate in their home. And that's when all the late-night funny business begins, as the peevish possum wreaks havoc on the household and Holly's unsuspecting parents, plodding his way through a series of wacky hijinks that end up transforming the lives of those he meets and making him the unlikeliest of creatures to become an overnight sensation. Get ready for a possum's tale like no other! Learn more and meet the Real Baby Grumbles at APossumsTale.com!
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