This study aimed to research scientific articles on the elderly and their carer from a psychogerontological perspective describing the summary of these studies. The method used was bibliographic research carried out in the online database Scielo in the last 5 years (2010 - 2015). The results found were 30 articles using the descriptors: care and elderly, caregiver and elderly and gerontology. The discussion of the articles showed that old age is more associated with negative than positive aspects and that the dependence of the elderly is a burden factor for the caregiver, needing to stimulate their autonomy. It also shows the level of stress that can generate in the interaction of the carer-elderly binomial. It is concluded that in the literature there is a vast collection on this subject, but it still deflates the unpreparedness of formal caregivers (professionals) and the disorientation of informal caregivers (family members, relatives, friends) predictors of stress and overload. Therapeutic groups are thus suggested to exchange knowledge and relieve the emotional tension of carers.