This review book entitled A Review for Medicinal and Antimicrobial Potential of L. hastata consists of seven chapters. Chapter one comprises introduction, L. hastata antimicrobial components as source of potential remedies, medicinal plants, statement of this review book problems, justification of the problems, highlights on specific objectives. Chapter two consists of phytochemical constituents of L. hastata and medicinal properties of L. hastata (Yadiya). Chapter three comprises anti-androgenic activity of L. hastata, anti-inflammatory activity of L. hastata, anti-diabetic activity of L. hastata. Chapter four consists of cytotoxicity of L. hastata. toxicity and safety of L. hastata, pharmacological and antimicrobial activities of L. hastata. Chapter five consists of wound-healing capability of L. hastata, antimicrobial activities of L. hastata, anti-bacterial activities of L. hastata against pathogenic gram's positive and negative bacteria, efficacy of L. hastata using different solvents. Chapter six is about efficacy of different parts of L. hastata against microbial activities and diseases that can be treated with L. haastata and chapter seven consists of conclusion.