Corporal punishment remains a controversial issue
that affects the vast majority of the population in
some form or another. More research is needed on
non-abusive corporal punishment, as this disciplinary
practice is used prevalently in American society.
This book discusses the research on the outcomes of
non-abusive corporal punishment, as well as the
cultural and legislative factors in the decision to
use corporal punishment. The implications of the
corporal punishment bans in different countries
around the world are also examined. Professionals
working with children can benefit from the content of
this book, as it provides a step into learning about
how corporal punishment truly affects children and
adolescents. Additionally, professionals can gain
insight into historical, legislative, and cultural
aspects that influence parents to use corporal
that affects the vast majority of the population in
some form or another. More research is needed on
non-abusive corporal punishment, as this disciplinary
practice is used prevalently in American society.
This book discusses the research on the outcomes of
non-abusive corporal punishment, as well as the
cultural and legislative factors in the decision to
use corporal punishment. The implications of the
corporal punishment bans in different countries
around the world are also examined. Professionals
working with children can benefit from the content of
this book, as it provides a step into learning about
how corporal punishment truly affects children and
adolescents. Additionally, professionals can gain
insight into historical, legislative, and cultural
aspects that influence parents to use corporal