This book examines the Elaboration Likelihood Model
of persuasion with reference to the use of hedonistic
and virtue ethics appeals in advertising. In it, you
will find a review of the relative effects of
messages targeting the central and peripheral routes
to persuasion. You will see an identification of the
means by which researchers have typically measured
the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and
purchasing intentions. You will read about the
advertising industry s pervasive bias towards the use
of hedonistic appeals, believing that such appeals
sell. You will also read about the theoretical and
applied consequences of using hedonistic appeals, and
will be presented with virtue ethics as a possible
alternative. You will learn about a scientific
investigation of the extent to which appeals
consistent with hedonistic and virtue ethics value
systems influence consumers preferences for a
product and consumers desire to buy it. In the end,
you will see a call into question of the seemingly
prevalent bias of using hedonistic oriented
advertising appeals, and a validation of virtue
ethics as a contending value system for marketing
of persuasion with reference to the use of hedonistic
and virtue ethics appeals in advertising. In it, you
will find a review of the relative effects of
messages targeting the central and peripheral routes
to persuasion. You will see an identification of the
means by which researchers have typically measured
the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and
purchasing intentions. You will read about the
advertising industry s pervasive bias towards the use
of hedonistic appeals, believing that such appeals
sell. You will also read about the theoretical and
applied consequences of using hedonistic appeals, and
will be presented with virtue ethics as a possible
alternative. You will learn about a scientific
investigation of the extent to which appeals
consistent with hedonistic and virtue ethics value
systems influence consumers preferences for a
product and consumers desire to buy it. In the end,
you will see a call into question of the seemingly
prevalent bias of using hedonistic oriented
advertising appeals, and a validation of virtue
ethics as a contending value system for marketing