In the tranquil Amish community of Harmony Hill, nestled in the rolling hills of Lancaster County, Sarah Stoltzfus and Ezekiel King begin their life together, bound by love and faith. Set a generation before the events of the main series, A Seed of Hope follows the heartwarming journey of Sarah and Ezekiel as they face the challenges of farming life, raising a family, and reconciling their individual dreams with the commitments they've made to each other and their community. As they navigate economic hardships and conflicting visions for their future, Sarah and Ezekiel's faith and devotion are tested. Will Sarah and Ezekiel's love be strong enough to overcome the trials ahead and plant the seeds of hope for future generations? A Seed of Hope is a tender story of enduring love, faith, and the beginnings of a family legacy. In this prequel to the Hearts of Harmony Hill series, readers will be reminded how even the smallest seeds of hope can grow into something lasting.
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