The challenge of communicating ideas of cultural
sustainability by visual means was rarely studied for
the lack of theoretical/methodological approaches to
cope with the visual-human interaction. In this book,
a theoretical framework comprising rhetoric,
semiotics, phenomenology, and a mixed-method
"concurrent nested qual+QUAL" strategy, were
developed to explore residents' experience engaging
with the visual phenomenon of public graphics and
public art in public housing. Its focus concerns how
design, meaning, and experience of visuals evoked in
residents a sense of cultural sustainability. The
study identifies a rhetorical situation in the
semiotic neighborhoods of housing, that communication
and perception of cultural sustainability involved
the rhetorical encoding of intended meanings into
designs, which residents decoded, generating cultural
meaning that evoked thoughts, feelings about the
vitality of their community, continuity of culture -
result of "visuality," interrelationship among
design persuasion, visual signification, viewing
experience. This book bridges the fields of
communication and sustainability, pushes forward the
new area of study - cultural sustainability.
sustainability by visual means was rarely studied for
the lack of theoretical/methodological approaches to
cope with the visual-human interaction. In this book,
a theoretical framework comprising rhetoric,
semiotics, phenomenology, and a mixed-method
"concurrent nested qual+QUAL" strategy, were
developed to explore residents' experience engaging
with the visual phenomenon of public graphics and
public art in public housing. Its focus concerns how
design, meaning, and experience of visuals evoked in
residents a sense of cultural sustainability. The
study identifies a rhetorical situation in the
semiotic neighborhoods of housing, that communication
and perception of cultural sustainability involved
the rhetorical encoding of intended meanings into
designs, which residents decoded, generating cultural
meaning that evoked thoughts, feelings about the
vitality of their community, continuity of culture -
result of "visuality," interrelationship among
design persuasion, visual signification, viewing
experience. This book bridges the fields of
communication and sustainability, pushes forward the
new area of study - cultural sustainability.