This two-part book brings a fresh perspective to the
often neglected narrative you . It deals with
aspects of authorial, psychoanalytical and literary
significance in the creation of fiction which draws
on personal material confrontational to the writer.
The essay 'A Singular Voice' examines the use of
the second person singular personal pronoun as
narrator in contemporary fiction, concentrating on
ways in which it may be employed to achieve a cover,
mask or persona for the I behind the text.
The novel 'In Two Minds' was written to show how
the grammatical and rhetorical resources offered by
the narrative you are able build and maintain such
cover and at the same time address the reader,
express a particular aspect of the fictional
protagonist, create strong characters and sustain
the story of which it is the intradiegetic narratee.
'A Singular Voice' is of interest to
narratologists, authors and students of literature,
creative writing, social and cultural studies,
neuroscience, analytical psychology and
often neglected narrative you . It deals with
aspects of authorial, psychoanalytical and literary
significance in the creation of fiction which draws
on personal material confrontational to the writer.
The essay 'A Singular Voice' examines the use of
the second person singular personal pronoun as
narrator in contemporary fiction, concentrating on
ways in which it may be employed to achieve a cover,
mask or persona for the I behind the text.
The novel 'In Two Minds' was written to show how
the grammatical and rhetorical resources offered by
the narrative you are able build and maintain such
cover and at the same time address the reader,
express a particular aspect of the fictional
protagonist, create strong characters and sustain
the story of which it is the intradiegetic narratee.
'A Singular Voice' is of interest to
narratologists, authors and students of literature,
creative writing, social and cultural studies,
neuroscience, analytical psychology and