A post-apocalyptic world harbors a powerful artifact with the potential to reshape humanity's fate. Trent, accompanied by enigmatic companions Stop and Clover, embarks on a haunting quest through time's labyrinth. In this dark tapestry of suspense and existential reflection, sinister forces compete for control of the artifact's secrets. Trent's journey unfolds amidst enigmatic landscapes, where truth and deception intertwine. As each chapter unfurls, mysteries deepen, and the stakes soar. In a compelling narrative that defies conventional genres, Trent's odyssey leads to revelations that will leave you spellbound. Join Trent as he ventures through the shadows of the past and future, encountering enigmas that will challenge your perceptions and evoke a sense of wonder. Prepare to be captivated by a tale of epic proportions, where the boundaries of time and reality blur in a thrilling, unforgettable experience. Set in Toronto.
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