A Study on AICRP (Malabari Unit) Training for goat farmers in Kerala. A study was conducted with the objective to analysis the impact of training programmes conducted by AICRP (Malabari Unit) on the overall knowledge gain regarding scientific goat management among goat farmers. The impact of training on knowledge level of the participant were found to be highly significant. In case of knowledge level of trainees of off-campus and on-campus training programme showed a medium to low trend before training. Whereas, it had a high to medium level trend in the knowledge test conducted after training. Most of the respondents were not satisfied for lodging facilities followed by boarding facilities, availability of reading materials and physical facilities in classroom. Majority of the respondents had medium to high favourable opinion about the training programme. Majority of the respondents preferred training programme to be organized in their own village followed by organizing trainingprogramme in summer season mostly after noon. Improved lodging and boarding facilities, providing more reading materials, leaflets etc. were the major suggestion given by the trainees.