Until the works of Castells, Lefebvre and Harvey, a
Marxist theory of urban space and urbanisation was
hardly seen. The book deals with the Marxist urban
space theory developed by David Harvey between the
early 1970s and the mid of 1990s. The distinctive
feature of his works is seen in his attempt to insert
spatial phenomenon into Marx's own social and
economic theory. It is an attempt to construct
'historico-geographical materialism' upon Marx'
historical materialism. He tries to achieves this
purpose first criticizing liberal approaches to urban
space. The book is a positive Marxist evaluation of
Harvey's Marxist urban space theory.
Marxist theory of urban space and urbanisation was
hardly seen. The book deals with the Marxist urban
space theory developed by David Harvey between the
early 1970s and the mid of 1990s. The distinctive
feature of his works is seen in his attempt to insert
spatial phenomenon into Marx's own social and
economic theory. It is an attempt to construct
'historico-geographical materialism' upon Marx'
historical materialism. He tries to achieves this
purpose first criticizing liberal approaches to urban
space. The book is a positive Marxist evaluation of
Harvey's Marxist urban space theory.