Brendan O'LearyA Treatise on Northern Ireland, Volume III
Consociation and Confederation
Brendan O'Leary is the Lauder Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania and World Leading Researcher Visiting Professor of Political Science at Queen's University Belfast. He is the inaugural winner of the Juan Linz Prize of the International Political Science Association for lifetime contributions to the study of federalism, democratization, and multinational states, and was recently elected an Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy and to Membership of the US Council on Foreign Relations. Educated in Northern Ireland, Oxford, and the London School of Economics & Political Science he advised parties and governments during and after the making of the Good Friday Agreement. His extensive publications include Power-Sharing in Deeply Divided Places (co-editor, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013), The Northern Ireland Conflict (OUP, 2004), and Explaining Northern Ireland (co-author, Blackwell, 1995).
* Volume 3: Consociation and Confederation
* From Antagonism to Accommodation?
* List of Figures
* List of Maps
* List of Tables
* List of Boxes
* Abbreviations and Glossary
* Terminology
* 3.1: Conceptual Conspectus: Consociation and Arbitration
* 3.2: "No. Please Understand": The Return to Imperial Direct Rule and
the Limits to British Arbitration, 1972-1985
* 3.3: An Experiment in Coercive Consociation: The Making, Meaning(s),
and Outcomes of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1985-1992
* 3.4: A Tract of Time between War and Peace: Melding Negotiations and
a Peace Process, and the Making of the Belfast and British-Irish
Agreements, 1992-1998
* 3.5: The Making, Meaning(s), and Tasks of the 1998 Agreement
* 3.6: The Long Negotiation: The Tribunes Become Consuls, 2002-2016
* 3.7: Confederal and Consociational Futures
* Acknowledgments
* Notes
* Bibliography
* Index