This book is a record of some of the paths travelled during a professional career in the field of education, which has taken in music, images, words and actions. Always in search of knowledge in education: education of children and adolescents in primary school and young adults in undergraduate education. Always reflecting on art teaching and culture. It begins with a brief contextualisation of the institution 'UNESC's Museum of Childhood' and then goes on to write a research article and an experience report, both developed at the Museum of Childhood, in the direction of the professional - and why not, personal - training of academics who have worked or are working as educational action fellows. In the museum space, it's possible to think of various training possibilities for the educational action scholarship students, such as writing and presenting articles about their experiences in the extension spaces. This writing exercise can be directly related to curatorial and critical exercises, and can thus unfold and broaden the horizons of meaning for those beyond the physical exhibition space.