In 2035, the universe unravelled Cosmo's greatest secret - Intelligent Life on other planets. By 2050, the universe stands united under the Interplanetary Federation, a coalition of seven planets bound by a shared vision of peace, progress, and enlightenment, The discovery of the Quantum Bridge - a groundbreaking technology enabling instantaneous travel across star systems - has collapsed the vast distances of space, forging unprecedented connections between civilisations. This is a time of transformation where knowledge flows freely, cultures intertwine, and the brilliance of diversity lights the galaxy. Advanced technologies have transformed resource exploitation into sustainable stewardship, creating a harmonious balance between progress and preservation. Languages, traditions and histories blend into a cosmic symphony of understanding, proving that strength lies in unity. But this Utopia is fragile as the Federation's ideals of equality and coexistence are tested as the challenges of a shared galaxy arise. Will the bonds of the Federation hold strong, or will the vastness of space and the challenges of agreeing on important decisions tear them apart? A Whole New World is a sweeping tale of discovery, unity, and the unyielding hope for a better tomorrow in an age of interstellar Enlightenment.
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