In this work, we seek to associate science education from a human rights perspective, through a practice that favors the empowerment of the feminine gender, since researches indicate a discrepant difference in the number of women in the areas of exact sciences in relation to men. In this way, the present work has as objective of investigation to analyze the conceptions that the students of the High School of the State College Benjamim José de Almeida have about the presence of the woman in science. Our reading starts from the comprehension of the existence of a social problem - the power asymmetries which involve gender issues. As an action objective, the deconstruction of socially pre-established concepts was sought through a pedagogical workshop called "A woman's place is in Science". In this way, the investigation process pointed out the existence of both male and female students' speeches with macho tendencies, revealing that the stereotyped vision in relation to gender reflects in a significant way in professional choices.