In the medieval land of Astoria, a young princess-to-be named Stasia has been born into a world where wealth and privilege mean everything. As she grows up being a member of the royal family, she is groomed to become princess and take over rulership of the land at the age of sixteen. And she is placed into an arranged marriage with the prince of a neighboring land, being obligated to marry him at the age of seventeen. With her training based on a long-followed Code of Honor, Princess Stasia realizes that she is being taught values that she does not approve of and a way of thinking that she does not agree with. This places her in a difficult situation at a young age, because when her time comes to rule, she will have to make decisions with drastic consequences that could turn her own family against her and threaten the stability of the land. This is the story of how a remarkable young princess with extraordinary wisdom finds herself at odds with the establishment and way things have always been.
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