Alan Perks is Chief Examiner for Edexcel's A Level Drama and Theatre Studies specification. Alan regularly works with students and teachers across the key stages on individual projects and long term drama strategies. He also teaches across the age ranges, including the A Level course, part-time in a school in Derbyshire. Jacqueline Porteous is a Principal Moderator for Edexcel's A Level Drama and Theatre Studies specification, and has over 20 years of teaching experience in the discipline. She currently teaches the A Level course and leads a Performing Arts Faculty.
List of Illustrations Part 1: Getting Started with the A2 Year 1.
Introduction 2. Making Good Use of this Textbook 3. Theatrical Timeline 4.
Two Golden Rules 5. Who Are They? Examiners and Moderators Unmasked 6. A
Final Few Words Before You Get Started Part 2: Overview of Unit 3 7.
Research and Exploration 8. Development and Structure 9. Performance 10.
Evaluation 11. The Supporting Written Evidence Document (SWED) Part 3:
Overview of Unit 4 12. The Demands of Section A 13. The Demands of Section
B 14. Exploring Interpretations for Section B 15. The Texts for Section A
and Section B 16. The Role of Director in Section A and Section B 17.
Annotating the Text 18. The Demands of Section C 19. The Historical Periods
20. Theatre Evaluation 21. Deconstructing the Questions. Conclusion.
Appendix 1: Drama School or Drama Degree? Appendix 2: Useful Websites.
Appendix 3: Further Reading and Suggested Viewing. Glossary of Useful Words
and Phrases. Index