Dear Diary... This creative story unfolds in the form of a diary. One mid-day afternoon during heavy rainfall, Ausha, deciding to take a nap, unexpectedly has her dream interrupted by a beautiful young maiden name "Hagar," who comes and sits down beside her. Smiling at her, this maiden who appears to be about her age smiles back and then hands her an old, rickety, worn book. With a look of puzzlement on her face, Ausha accepts it. Smiling and nodding her head, the wide-eyed maiden encourages her to open it. At that moment, Ausha's thought was: "Why is this maiden smiling?" Based on what she had learned about Hagar in biblical history, she had nothing to smile about. As Ausha cracks open the ancient book, light, sound, and dust erupt from it. Brushing off the first page, Ausha gasps as she sees this caption, "My Diary." Quickly thumbing through the pages, she notices that they are blank. When she looks up to question the maiden, she is no longer there. Suddenly there is a loud thunderous sound, waking Ausha from her nap. Excited and now in pursuit of her own journal's journey, she sets out to dig through the ancient scriptures of the Bible for answers. Fused with a charge and Her God-given imagination, Ausha goes in search of the reason for Hagar's smile. She hopes to aid this young maiden by filling in a unique perspective of content to the pages of her (Hagar's) historical diary. Also shared in this amazing book are six modern-day created stories, pulled from the diaries of different women. I pray your heart is enlightened and your imagination engaged, as we once again discover the faithfulness of El Roi, "The God Who Sees Me." (Ref: Gen 16:13)
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