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Main description:
The Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology is the most comprehensive, authoritative dictionary of science available. Covering 124 fields of science, the Dictionary will make a handsome addition to your reference collection.
Key - Approximately 124,000 fully defined entries, not counting abbreviations--the largest range of vocabulary ever compiled in a science dictionary
- Compete coverage of 124 fields of science and technology, including Computer Science, biotechnology, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Behavior, Astronomy,

Main description:
The Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology is the most comprehensive, authoritative dictionary of science available. Covering 124 fields of science, the Dictionary will make a handsome addition to your reference collection.

Key - Approximately 124,000 fully defined entries, not counting abbreviations--the largest range of vocabulary ever compiled in a science dictionary
- Compete coverage of 124 fields of science and technology, including Computer Science, biotechnology, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Behavior, Astronomy, Geology, and more
- "Windows," boxed essays for each of the 124 fields, offering a brief definition of each areaits meaning, history, and implicationsby such prestigious scientists as Michael DeBakey, Stephen Jay Gould, Linus Pauling, Roger Revelle, and Jonas Salk
- Completely up-to-date definitions in such dynamic fields as Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Biotechnology
- Extensive cross-references throughout to link overlapping or equivalent entries and guide readers to the preferred terms
- More medical terms overall than any other general scientific dictionary now available
- More coverage of subfields of medicine, including Oncology, Radiology, Hematology, Cardiology, and Toxicology
- Pronunciation guides for difficult or phonetically irregular terms
- Etymologies giving the origin of important scientific terms
- Definitions that are supplemented by examples of current usage
- Abbreviations and proper names defined in the body of the text, rather than in an appendix, for easier reference
- A complete appendix of frequently consulted scientific data, including standard weights and measures and the periodic table
- A Chronology of Science listing all important milestones in the history of science from 1400 to the present
- Nearly 2,000 detailed illustrations and technical photographs, including 24 pages of color plates
- Definitions reviewed for accuracy by a panel of eminent scientist
- A single-volume, 8 ½" x 11", double-column format with boldfaced entries that offer the ready easy access to definitions
- Lightweight, acid-free paper

Review quote:
"This attractively illustrated and comprehensive work will complement the scientific reference shelf of many types of library...As a dictionary, this work has no up-to-date rivals."
"Has a place on all reference shelves...Outstanding...Easy to use...The Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology captures the terminology of today and gives modern definitions...Highly recommended."
"This will now be the dictionary of choice for up-to-date terminology...Important for research level reference collections."
"The most comprehensive of its kind...The definitions...are concise and to the point...A valuable reference tool."
"There are indeed many excellent definitions, plus the short essays by eminent scientists in different disciplines. There are also several sections of supplementary information, some of which might be of interest to people who are not involved daily with those particular fields."
--Joseph K. Slap in VERBATIM,
"With more than 133,000 entries, this dictionary has available one of the largest and most up-to-date scientific vocabularies. This dictionary would be of use to practicing scientists and professionals in all the fields of science."
"Even the real technologists sometimes stumble over a word or a definiion these days as technology explodes and the terms that describe techniques and technologies are coined. If you'd like to know what all those new terms mean, you'll really profit from a visit to,where you'll find the excellent Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology. More than 130,000 terms are defined here, and new ones are added regularly."
--The Cincinnati Enquirer, March 30, 2000, TEMPO, pgE03.
"The Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology captures the terminology of today and gives modern definitions. This dictionary is highly recommended for all public, academic, and high school libraries."

Table of contents:
A Dictonary of Science and Technology. Color Illustration Section. Symbols and Units. Fundamental Physical Constants. Measurement Conversion. Periodic Table of the Elements. Atomic Weights. Particles. The Solar System. Geologial Timetable. Five-Kingdom Classification of Organisms. Chronology of Modern Science. Photo Credits.
Christopher Morris is owner of Morris Books and a professional lexicographer who has edited more than 20 different dictionaries on a wide variety of subjects. He is editor in chief of the award-winning Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology, which provides the largest vocabulary of science yet compiled and features special essays by 120 eminent scientists, including nine Nobel laureates. He served as chief editor of the Macmillan school dictionary series, which includes several of the largest-selling educational dictionaries in U.S. history. He has also been an author of school and college textbooks and has compiled many different scientific glossaries, for fields such as ecology, endocrinology, microbiology, oncology, reproductive biology, and toxicology. He and Cutler Cleveland previously collaborated on the Encyclopedia of Energy, winner of an American Library Association award, for which Dr. Cleveland was editor in chief and he served as chief development editor.