The study is an investigation of service-learning
pedagogy to infuse passion into accounting education
and develop the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (AICPA) Core Competencies. A
sample of twenty-eight students in an accounting
class conducted research on the Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) Program. They conducted site
research; designed and created a website; developed
and distributed advertising and training materials;
developed and implemented financial literacy training
classes for the socioeconomically marginalized
people in our community; and developed and
implemented recruitment sessions for VITA volunteers.
Extensive qualitative data was collected from student
journals, meeting minutes, Blackboard discussions,
focus group interviews, and structured open-ended
questionnaires; researcher field notes and journals;
and community member feedback. Rich and in-depth
evidence of student development of passion and AICPA
Core Competencies is provided by this
multidimensional and multidisciplinary
service-learning experience enhanced by holistic
approaches (cognitive, affective, spiritual, multiple
intelligences, and inclusive education).
pedagogy to infuse passion into accounting education
and develop the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (AICPA) Core Competencies. A
sample of twenty-eight students in an accounting
class conducted research on the Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) Program. They conducted site
research; designed and created a website; developed
and distributed advertising and training materials;
developed and implemented financial literacy training
classes for the socioeconomically marginalized
people in our community; and developed and
implemented recruitment sessions for VITA volunteers.
Extensive qualitative data was collected from student
journals, meeting minutes, Blackboard discussions,
focus group interviews, and structured open-ended
questionnaires; researcher field notes and journals;
and community member feedback. Rich and in-depth
evidence of student development of passion and AICPA
Core Competencies is provided by this
multidimensional and multidisciplinary
service-learning experience enhanced by holistic
approaches (cognitive, affective, spiritual, multiple
intelligences, and inclusive education).