Accreditation of a training course is the single most important method which can guarantee the adherence of the course to the scientific standards and ensure avoiding wasting of time of the participants, and also wasting resources during training. Little is known about accredited training medical courses in Iraq. The aim of the academic study is to identify the most appropriately accredited medical courses in Iraq that have their scientific contents and training methodologies published in a standard training course books. During the last week of July 2023, all the relevant sources on the internet were searched for course books of accredited medical courses in Iraq. More than ten accredited medical course books were identified and many of were translated into six or eight European languages. All of the course books were included in the German National Library. All the medical course books in Iraq were published by Aamir Jalal Al-Mosawi. This academic study showed that Aamir Jalal Al-Mosawi has been pioneering the field of medical training and his published medical courses' books established medical training as a unique discipline.