An achievement gap refers to the observed disparity on a number of educational measures between the performance of groups of students, especially groups defined by gender, race/ethnicity, ability, and socioeconomic status. The achievement gap can be observed on a variety of measures, including standardized test scores, grade point average, dropout rates, and college-enrollment and -completion rates. While most of the data presented in this article comes from the United States, similar or different gaps exist for these, and other groups in other nations. Such gaps have been used to illustrate social injustice and discrimination against groups, and to justify actions and beliefs based on eradicating these gaps as a matter of public policy. Others disagree as to structural causes of such gaps rooted in class, history, culture, or biology, as to whether color-blind policies that directly target economics and education, or policies based on identity groups such as affirmative action, multiculturalism and progressive education are more effective in achieving equality of outcomes.