We live in multimedia era; our perception of the world around us more relies on the non-verbal aspect of communication. Although Translation Studies under the light of cultural and semiotic studies has been increasingly developed in recent decades, Translation theories and its methods of teaching and researching are mostly centered around the linguistic aspect of communication. This view restricts Translation Studies to some linguistic theories and rigid methods of teaching and researching which actually cannot suggest satisfactory answers to the range of questions raised in Translation Studies of the contemporary time. Translation from the perspective of this analysis is at work in any kind of perception, whether verbally or non-verbally. The act of translation here is seen as an act of socio-cultural exchange among nations; as an ongoing conversation among discourses and among sign-systems.This book may, hopefully, suggest new insights to Translation Studies. It may also be helpful for those scholars and students of other academic fields interested in Cultural Studies, Cinema and Media Studies, CDA Studies, Comparative Studies, Literature, Semiotics, and Linguistics.