Adam, the American is an intriguing historical novel depicting a grand vision of the growth of diplomacy during the founding of our nation. It follows the life of an ambitious young American eager to succeed in the world, and he does so because of the freedoms available to all Americans. Growing up in the savage Indian country of the Western Carolinas, Adam Fitzgerald meets a young Indian his own age and they become friends for life. Their paths diverge when Adam travels to Williamsburg for college, where he meets Thomas Jefferson, who helps him achieve a career as a lawyer. His first position allows him to meet Benjamin Franklin, the first American ambassador to France. Adam is then sent to France to secure funds for the American Revolution. From France, he goes to Russia to help the American government garner world recognition. Adam meets the famous Princess Dashkova, a close friend of Empress Catherine the Great. He and the princess have a son who is eventually allowed to return to America with his father. Adam foresees a brilliant future for his child, enjoying the freedom prevalent in the new United States. Dr. Thomas E. Berry is a retired professor of Russian language and literature. He still lectures at the Smithsonian Institution and the Russian Cultural Center of the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C. He wrote this story to show that there are still heroes who "are patriotic and valiant." Publisher's website:
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