In Ethiopia, judicial function is vested with regular courts. In other words, it is the regular courts which have to give judicial decision. But, there are exceptions with regard to judicial powers. That means there are other institutions apart from the regular courts which are vested with judicial function by the law. Such institutions are empowered to give judicial decision in specific cases related to their activities.The civil service Administrative Tribunal is among one of them. Addis Ababa city administration established an administrative tribunal based on proclamation No. 6/2008. The city administrative tribunal would revise administrative measures taken by the concerned city offices.In other words, it hears and decides on appeals which are brought to it by the civil servants. The city administrative tribunal has performed its function in proper manner and based on the law. Besides, it is observed that in rendering decision the tribunal carefully followed up the procedure.Furthermore, speedy trial was also one quality of the administrative tribunal. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the administrative tribunal operates in a legally and procedurally sound manner.