What is Urban Adolescence in the 21st Century like? Mónica Brude and her interdisciplinary team, made up of professionals specialized in the subject, concerned about the bio-psycho-social health of young people in current times, have been investigating these issues since 2003. In 2006 they concluded the first research "Adolescencia en Riesgo I" which was published by the Revista de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina. The team continued with the field work in secondary schools of the City of Buenos Aires, and elaborated as a continuation of the 2006 publication, a new research called "Adolescence at Risk II", recently completed and published in this opportunity. The professional work with Adolescents, in the areas of Health, Education and/or Justice, requires quick and effective responses to new problems and pathologies. Social Networks, in their positive action, play an important role of containment and accompanimentfor the healthy growth of young people.