This study focus on the factors influencing adoption of Precision Farming technologies in Tomato cultivation aimed to reveal the characteristics of the Tomato growers under Precision Farming, to assess the knowledge and adoption level of Precision Farming technology in Tomato cultivation. It also intends to reflect the relationship between the characteristics of Precision farmers, to analyze the factors influencing adoption of Precision Farming technologies and to analyze the constraints experienced by them in adoption of Precision Farming technologies. High cost of water soluble fertilizer, high investment cost, clogging of emitters and poor qualities of drip material were the major constraints experienced by the respondents. Slight modification of recommended spacing in Tomato cultivation would give convenience in intercultural operations and also better yield. Training programme shall be organized for drip system service and maintenance to facilitate farmers themselves repair and maintain the drip systems. These were suggested by the majority of the respondents to enhance adoption of Precision Farming technologies in Tomato cultivation