Table of contents:
Acknowledgements Introduction: Adorno and Authoritarian Irrationalism 1. The Stars Come Down to Earth 2. Theses Against Occultism 3. Research Project on Anti-Semitism 4. Anti-Semitism and Fascist Propaganda Name Index Subject Index
A collection of key articles on the irrational in mass culture, relevant to the understanding of phenomena such as astrology and New Age cults, the power of neo-fascist propanganda and the psychological basis of popular culture.
Acknowledgements Introduction: Adorno and Authoritarian Irrationalism 1. The Stars Come Down to Earth 2. Theses Against Occultism 3. Research Project on Anti-Semitism 4. Anti-Semitism and Fascist Propaganda Name Index Subject Index
A collection of key articles on the irrational in mass culture, relevant to the understanding of phenomena such as astrology and New Age cults, the power of neo-fascist propanganda and the psychological basis of popular culture.