This novel is written for English-speaking women living in Europe and those who wish to visit it someday. Before settling down to teaching high school German, Karen Banning wants to travel and explore Europe. When she's offered a translating job at a Viennese publishing house, she accepts enthusiastically. Her roommate, the pretty art teacher Linda Reynolds, and the plain, but highly ambitious secretary, Barbara Olsson accompany her. They are surprised when the beautiful socialite Evelyn West asks if she can travel with them. They worry she'll consider their voyage on an old Italian ferry ship slumming. The four American women look forward to having a fun, amusing time in Europe. What they don't know: this dream trip in the 70s will influence the future paths of their lives. In the novel, you will accompany them to famous European cities and share their intriguing experiences with international people. Ship ahoi! Off to new adventures.