In this book the use of simulation is recommended
for decision making from the very start. To achieve
the description of time dependent behavior is also
defined at an interdisciplinary level. Natural
language is used to describe the processes as
defined in the interdisciplinary PROcess-PERformance
Like the other disciplines, simulation evolved as a
specialist discipline. In order to preserve a direct
connection with the process descriptions of the
PROPER model, these natural language process
descriptions are translated into an object oriented
Process Description Language PDL. It can be
implemented in any object oriented software
environment, here for example in the Borland Delphi
platform. The implementation is called TOMAS: Tool
for Object oriented Modeling And Simulation . In
order to support the growing level of detail of the
PROPER model during a design project, TOMAS also
supports distributed simulation. Finally the use of
PROPER, PDL and TOMAS is illustrated with an already
finished complex project: the design of the first
automated container terminal in Rotterdam.
for decision making from the very start. To achieve
the description of time dependent behavior is also
defined at an interdisciplinary level. Natural
language is used to describe the processes as
defined in the interdisciplinary PROcess-PERformance
Like the other disciplines, simulation evolved as a
specialist discipline. In order to preserve a direct
connection with the process descriptions of the
PROPER model, these natural language process
descriptions are translated into an object oriented
Process Description Language PDL. It can be
implemented in any object oriented software
environment, here for example in the Borland Delphi
platform. The implementation is called TOMAS: Tool
for Object oriented Modeling And Simulation . In
order to support the growing level of detail of the
PROPER model during a design project, TOMAS also
supports distributed simulation. Finally the use of
PROPER, PDL and TOMAS is illustrated with an already
finished complex project: the design of the first
automated container terminal in Rotterdam.