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ThePaci?cRimInternationalConferenceonArti?cialIntelligence(PRICAI)is theleadingconferenceinthePaci?cRimregionforthepresentationofresearch andthelatestdevelopmentsinArti?cialIntelligence,includingtheapplication of AI to problems of social and economic importance. PRICAI 2000 was the sixthinthebiennialseriesofconferencesandwasheldinMelbourne,Australia, August28 September1,2000. ThePRICAI2000workshopsweredesignedtoprovideaforumforrese- chersandpractitionerstopresentandexchangethelatestdevelopmentsatthe AIfrontier. Workshopsaremorespecializedandonasmallerscalethancon-…mehr

ThePaci?cRimInternationalConferenceonArti?cialIntelligence(PRICAI)is theleadingconferenceinthePaci?cRimregionforthepresentationofresearch andthelatestdevelopmentsinArti?cialIntelligence,includingtheapplication of AI to problems of social and economic importance. PRICAI 2000 was the sixthinthebiennialseriesofconferencesandwasheldinMelbourne,Australia, August28 September1,2000. ThePRICAI2000workshopsweredesignedtoprovideaforumforrese- chersandpractitionerstopresentandexchangethelatestdevelopmentsatthe AIfrontier. Workshopsaremorespecializedandonasmallerscalethancon- rencestofacilitateactiveinteractionamongtheattendees. TheyencourageAI theoriestomeetreality,AIresearcherstoworkwithpractitioners,andviceversa. Throughworkshops,bothsidesgetexposuretoevolvingresearchandtools,and tothepracticalproblemstowhichAIcanbeapplied. Asanexcellentindicator ofthecurrentlevelofactiveresearchanddevelopmentactivities,PRICAI2000 includedatotalofsevenworkshops:AIandtheInternet,IntelligentInfor- tionAgents,ApplicationsofAIinIndustry,Multi-AgentSystems,TextandWeb Mining,AIinE-Commerce,andTeamswithAdjustableAutonomy. The work from four of the seven workshops has formed this unique coll- tion of four parts. PartI reports on Applications of AI in Industry;PartII coversAIinE-Commerce;PartIII detailsIntelligentInformationAgents,and PartIV discussestheissuesofTeamworkandAdjustableAutonomyinAgents. Eachworkshoppaperwasacceptedafterreviewbyatleasttwoexperts. Further improvementswereincludedinmanypapersinpreparationforthiscollection. Readerscan?nddiversetopicsandcarefuldiscussionscenteredaroundthefour importantthemesinoureverchangingworld. Thiscollectionplaysanimp- tantroleinbridgingthegapbetweenAItheoryandpractice,toemphasizethe importanceofAIintheresearchanddevelopmentofAgents,E-Commerce,and inmanyreal-worldapplications,andtopublicizeandextendAItechnologyto manydomainsinthisfastmovinginformationage. Thechairsoftheworkshopsdidanexcellentjobinbringingtogethermany AIresearchersandpractitionersfromthePaci?c-Asiaregionandfromallover the world. The well received workshops at PRICAI 2000 and the publication ofthiscollectionhaveconvincinglyshownthesigni?canceandpracticalimpact oftheworkpresentedinthiscollection. ProfessorNancyReed sgreate?ortin producingthisspecial,?necollectionwillbeapplaudedandappreciatedbymany. IamcertainthatthiscollectionwillstimulatemoreAIresearchandapplications, in?uencemanygraduatestudentstoconductresearchanddevelopmentinAI, and have a positive impact toward making our future better by creating an increasinglyintelligentworld. June2001 HuanLiu TableofContents I ApplicationsofArti?cialIntelligenceinIndustry Arti?cialIntelligenceinIndustry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GrahamJ. WilliamsandDicksonLukose ApplyingBehavior-OrientedRoboticstoaMobileSecurityDevice . . . . . . . 5 AndreasBirkandHolgerKenn OntologyDesignandItsApplicationinthePetroleum RemediationDomain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lin-LiChenandChristineW. Chan ASalesAgentforWebsitePersonalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 WeiqinChen,RyanShaw,LeifMortenson,TomFoley, andRiichiroMizoguchi AnomalyDetectionofCopmuterUsageUsingArti?cial IntelligenceTechniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 JonghoChoyandSung-BaeCho ApplicationofSelf-OrganizingMapstoClassi?cationandBrowsing ofFAQE-mails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Hyun-DonKimandSung-BaeCho ModelBasedProgramSpeci?cationandProgramGeneration InaCase ofVehicle-EngineControlSystemDesign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 SetsuoOhsuga,ShunsukeChigusa,andKatsuyukiSugaya Classi?cationBaseduponFrequentPatterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 WimPijlsandRobPotharst AnEvolutionaryApproachtoConstraint-BasedTimetabling . . .