The two-volume proceedings LNCS 9665 + 9666constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 35th AnnualInternational Conference on the Theory and Applications of CryptographicTechniques, EUROCRYPT 2016, held in Vienna, Austria, in May 2016. The 62 full papers included in these volumes werecarefully reviewed and selected from 274 submissions. The papers are organizedin topical sections named: (pseudo)randomness; LPN/LWE; cryptanalysis; masking;fully homomorphic encryption; number theory; hash functions; multilinear maps;message authentification codes; attacks on SSL/TLS; real-world protocols;robust designs; lattice reduction; latticed-based schemes; zero-knowledge;pseudorandom functions; multi-party computation; separations; protocols; roundcomplexity; commitments; lattices; leakage; in differentiability; obfuscation; andautomated analysis, functional encryption, and non-malleable codes.