Main description:
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology continues to be one of the most sought after and most often cited series in this field. Containing contributions of major empirical and theoretical interest, this series represents the best and the brightest in new research, theory, and practice in social psychology. Volume 29 covers issues of self-esteem, self-evaluation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, counterfactual thinking and Bias.
Review quote:
"An impressive and representative presentation of what the field has accomplished in the last twenty-five years. The contributions to the current volume are of the high quality we have come to expect."
"For the past two decades, the... series has served a special function for social psychology--one that has not been filled as well by any other single publication. The chapters discuss individual substantive areas within the field at a middle level of abstraction and detail. The articles are more focused than handbook chapters and less cursory than annual review chapters. In addition, they often summarize the author's own research program and review past research through the filter of the author's theoretical perspective."
"This volume does have value for active researchers, especially those who are already knowledgeable in the area... Some of the chapters offer fresh perspectives and methods that could be very beneficial to further work on the self, and other chapters offer good summaries of recent research programs."
"These volumes have become a standard reference over the past couple of decades... Presents a well-balanced picture of work in experimental social psychology."
Table of contents:
N.J. Roese and J.M Olson, Counterfactual Thinking: The Intersection of Affect and Function.
J. Greenberg, S. Solomon, and T. Pyszcynski, Terror Management Theory of Self-Esteem and Cultural Worldviews: Empirical Assessments and Conceptual Refinements.
D.T. Wegener and R.E. Petty, The Flexible Correction Model: The Role of Naive Theories of Bias in Bias Correction.
C. Sedikides and M.J. Strube, Self-Evaluation: To Thine Own Self Be Good, To Thine Own Self Be Sure, To Thine Own Self Be True, and To Thine Own Self Be Better.
R.J. Vallerand, Toward a Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
Subject Index.
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology continues to be one of the most sought after and most often cited series in this field. Containing contributions of major empirical and theoretical interest, this series represents the best and the brightest in new research, theory, and practice in social psychology. Volume 29 covers issues of self-esteem, self-evaluation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, counterfactual thinking and Bias.
Review quote:
"An impressive and representative presentation of what the field has accomplished in the last twenty-five years. The contributions to the current volume are of the high quality we have come to expect."
"For the past two decades, the... series has served a special function for social psychology--one that has not been filled as well by any other single publication. The chapters discuss individual substantive areas within the field at a middle level of abstraction and detail. The articles are more focused than handbook chapters and less cursory than annual review chapters. In addition, they often summarize the author's own research program and review past research through the filter of the author's theoretical perspective."
"This volume does have value for active researchers, especially those who are already knowledgeable in the area... Some of the chapters offer fresh perspectives and methods that could be very beneficial to further work on the self, and other chapters offer good summaries of recent research programs."
"These volumes have become a standard reference over the past couple of decades... Presents a well-balanced picture of work in experimental social psychology."
Table of contents:
N.J. Roese and J.M Olson, Counterfactual Thinking: The Intersection of Affect and Function.
J. Greenberg, S. Solomon, and T. Pyszcynski, Terror Management Theory of Self-Esteem and Cultural Worldviews: Empirical Assessments and Conceptual Refinements.
D.T. Wegener and R.E. Petty, The Flexible Correction Model: The Role of Naive Theories of Bias in Bias Correction.
C. Sedikides and M.J. Strube, Self-Evaluation: To Thine Own Self Be Good, To Thine Own Self Be Sure, To Thine Own Self Be True, and To Thine Own Self Be Better.
R.J. Vallerand, Toward a Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
Subject Index.