This exciting story follows the lives of four members of the Ronan family, from 1859-2012, as they influence the American political system to once again establish a Constitutional Republic. In 1859, the protagonist, Sam Ronan comes to America from Ireland and becomes a telegraph operator in Philadelphia and shortly thereafter, he gets a job in Breckenridge, Missouri as a telegrapher for the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. His long stagecoach trip to Hannibal Missouri permits him to see the interior of the country and meet some colorful characters. Because the Confederate bushwhackers had sabotaged the bridge over the Platt River, Sam almost loses his life while traveling to St. Joe on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. Having graduated from Harvard, magna cum laude, Sam's son Jeff lands a job working for President Woodrow Wilson in Washington, D.C. Matt, Sam's grandson, meets the love of his life at the Frog Hop in St. Joseph and becomes a successful farmer and Federal Congressman. Graduating from Central High School in St. Joseph, Mo., Sam's great-grandson, Paul, obtains a medical degree from Baylor University in Texas and then joins the Navy and nearly loses his life when the Israelis attacked his reconnaissance ship, the USS Liberty in 1967. Honorably discharged from the Navy, Paul becomes a Texas Congressman and after a ruthless campaign in 2012, he is overwhelmingly elected President of the United States. Each one of the four generations of the Ronan family added greatly to the security and financial well-being of this country's citizens. You will learn how Paul Ronan obtained full employment, truly "affordable" health care, a balanced budget, a plan to totally "pay off" the national debt, all in a candid entertaining and educational story format.This historical novel will help you understand the issues and learn what you can do as an individual to help save our country from ruin.
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