A country is valued for the rights and freedoms it guarantees its citizens. One of the most important citizens' rights that a state governed by the rule of law must preserve is freedom of expression, from which freedom of the press logically follows.In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the 2011-2016 chandelier has been marred by numerous cases of serious violations of freedom of expression and press freedom. Indeed, this period that was then considered as a five-year period of improvement and democratic maturation was unfortunately cruel to public freedoms. The strategy of total control and the witch hunt bordering on McCarthyism against media workers and human rights activists became so rampant that they became the floating sticks of the news.In the face of these despicable facts that disrupted the smooth running of Congolese democracy during this period, we thought it ingenious to go back in history and unearth similar cases in ancient Rome in order to establish possible links between Latinity and the Congolese socio-political background.