Pesticides are hazardous to human health and wellbeing. Pesticide traces in food and water are causative agents for chronic health diseases such as immune suppression, hormonal disturbances, reproductive defects, and cancers. Children are at higher health risk of pesticide exposure because of dietary intake as they consume more food per unit body weight as compared to adults. Food samples from India were found to be beyond the permissible acceptable limits. The routine use of pesticides has become an occupational hazard. Pesticides are commonly used as a poison for Suicidal purposes in India. It is the second most common mode of suicide in India. The authentic record revealed that self-poisoning deaths are 23,172 per year. Several studies showed that the real number could be three times higher than as quoted. Suicidal and accidental poisoning deaths add up to 80,000 deaths every year. It is due to easy availability of toxic pesticides.The toxicological pesticide effects caused malnutrition in these Indian communities. Indian farmers also rarely use safety measures due to lack of education, reasonably priced protective equipment, user regulation, and enforcement.