The Air Cargo Guide analyzes the developments in the air cargo industry, and gives a general overview. Besides this, the legal, institutional and technical framework is explained as well as the operative process of the air supply chain. From the contents: - The Development of the Air Cargo Industry - Characteristics of the Air Cargo Business - Regulatory Framework and Liberalization - Associations and Organizations - Environment for infrastructure in the Air Cargo Business - Air Cargo Management - Strategies in the Air Cargo Industry - Information and Communication Technologies - Pricing Strategies and Tariff Structures - Economic Efficiency - Aviation and Environment Focus on following product groups: - Carrier - Airports - Air Cargo Forwarder Target group: People responsible for air cargo working in export-oriented companies of commerce and industry and transportation service provider. Bei "Air Cargo Guide" handelt es sich um die komplett überarbeitete Neuauflage von "Leitfaden Luftfracht" in englischer Sprache.