Verschiedene Einflussfaktoren (z. B. erhöhte Konsolidierungstendenzen aufgrund eines erhöhten Wettbewerbsdrucks oder fehlende familieninterne Nachfolgeregelungen) führen dazu, dass sich inzwischen auch akquisitionsunerfahrene Familienunternehmen vermehrt mit anorganischen Wachstumsmöglichkeiten auseinandersetzen. Akquisitions- und Integrationsprozesse von und durch mittelständische Familienunternehmen sind dabei extrem voraussetzungsreich, da Führungsprozesse in diesem Organisationstypus typischerweise eher auf die Beziehung zwischen Personen als auf transparent geplante Ablaufprozesse ausgerichtet sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund führt die vorliegende Arbeit die Besonderheiten in den Führungsprozessen von mittelständischen Familienunternehmen aus und leitet anschließend daraus ab, welche spezifischen Herausforderungen sich für Akquisitions- und Integrationsprozesse durch die Partizipation dieser Unternehmen ergeben.
Various influencing factors (e.g. increased consolidation tendencies due to greater competitive pressure or the lack of succession arrangements within the family) mean that even family businesses with no experience of acquisitions are now increasingly looking at inorganic growth opportunities. Acquisition and integration processes of and by medium-sized family businesses are extremely prerequisite-rich, since management processes in this type of organization are typically geared more to the relationship between individuals than to transparently planned processes. Against this backdrop, this paper discusses the special features of the management processes of medium-sized family businesses and then derives the specific challenges that arise for acquisition and integration processes as a result of the participation of medium-sized family businesses.
Various influencing factors (e.g. increased consolidation tendencies due to greater competitive pressure or the lack of succession arrangements within the family) mean that even family businesses with no experience of acquisitions are now increasingly looking at inorganic growth opportunities. Acquisition and integration processes of and by medium-sized family businesses are extremely prerequisite-rich, since management processes in this type of organization are typically geared more to the relationship between individuals than to transparently planned processes. Against this backdrop, this paper discusses the special features of the management processes of medium-sized family businesses and then derives the specific challenges that arise for acquisition and integration processes as a result of the participation of medium-sized family businesses.